List of F1-F9 Key Commands for the Command Prompt

F1 / right arrow: Repeats the letters of the last command line, one by one.
F2: Displays a dialog asking user to “enter the char to copy up to” of the last command line
F3: Repeats the last command line
F4: Displays a dialog asking user to “enter the char to delete up to” of the last command line
F5: Goes back one command line
F6: Enters the traditional CTRL+Z (^z)

F7: Displays a menu with the command line history
F8: Cycles back through previous command lines (beginning with most recent)
F9: Displays a dialog asking user to enter a command number, where 0 is for first command line entered.
Alt+Enter: toggle full Screen mode.
up/down: scroll thru/repeat previous entries
Esc: delete line
Note: The buffer allows a maximum of 50 command lines. After this number is reached, the first line will be replaced in sequence.

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